Do yourselves a BIG, BIG favor: Read Moore and Gibbon's WATCHMEN the book/the graphic novel/the comics or what-the-heck-ever you wanna call it.
How can you appreciate or catch ALL the multi-layered nuances, the secrets, the depths, the messages, the JOKES that you can find hidden in plain (and not-so-plain) sights in Mr. Gibbons's beautiful artwork if "it is being dragged through the experience at the speed of 24 frames per second"?
I'm not lambasting Mr. Snyder's hard work on the movie, mind you as I haven't seen it but this is about truly experiencing what the creators of the work wanted the readers to get/be indulged in/be aware of.
Watchmen is one BIG complex and multi-layered work/labor of love supplemented with excerpts from imaginary books, journals, articles. Now, how do you get/read those watching the movie.
There are stories within the stories which you can get or learn as you re-read the book, examine each panel, trace each line of dialog, study the facial expressions and gesture, flip to the next pages, then flip back back to the previous one. Watchmen gets you thinking... Now, ain't that fun?
So who reads the WATCHMEN?
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